jQuery Events

Event is the visitor's activity performed on the web page. This is used to make the web page dynamic and interactive. You have also noticed these events while the web surfing, like - event occurs on mouse click, on form submission, by pressing a key on the keyboard.

List of some jQuery events

Events Description
onblur It occurs when the element loses focus.
onchange It occurs when the value of an element has changed.
onfocus It occurs when an element gets focus.
onselect It occurs when some text is selected.
onsubmit It occurs when a form is submitted.
onclick It occurs when an element is clicked.
ondblclick It occurs when an element is double-clicked.
onmousedown It occurs when the mouse is over the element and left mouse button is pressed down.
onmouseenter It occurs when the mouse pointer enters the selected element.
onmouseleave It occurs when the mouse pointer leaves the selected element.
onmousemove It occurs when the mouse moves inside the selected element.
onmouseout It occurs when the mouse pointer leaves the selected element.
onkeypress It occurs when the user presses a key on the keyboard.
onkeyup It occurs when a keyboard key is released.
onerror It occurs when an error occurs while loading a document.
onresize It occurs when the browser window's size is changed.
onscroll It occurs when the element is scrolled.
onload It occurs when the element has been loaded.

Example of jQuery events

.sliderDiv {
width: 300px; 
height: 100px;
padding: 20px;
background-color: pink;
font-size: 25px;

<div id="slider" class="sliderDiv">Some content goes here</div>
<button id="slidediv">Click Here</button>

(function( $ ) {  

Output of the above code

Some content goes here

In the above example, when the user click on the button of id 'slidediv', the div box is slided up or down.

Further, we have explained the most common events in brief.