PHP array_reverse() function

This function reverses the order of elements in an array.


array_reverse(array, preserve_key);

The parameter 'array' specifies the name of the array. 'preserve_key' is an optional parameter. It specifies whether array preserve numeric key or not. It has boolean value 'true' OR 'false'. If it is set to true, then it preserves the numeric key.


    $arr = array(10, 11, 35, 12, 44);
    $arr_revs = array_reverse($arr);

Output :

Array ( [0] => 44 [1] => 12 [2] => 35 [3] => 11 [4] => 10 )

If you set the preserve_key to 'TRUE'
    $arr = array(10, 11, 35, 12, 44);
    $arr_revs = array_reverse($arr, true);

Output :

Array ( [4] => 44 [3] => 12 [2] => 35 [1] => 11 [0] => 10 )

The preserve key parameter does not effect on non numeric key.


    $arr = array(a=>10, b=>11, c=>35, f=>12, r=>44);
    $arr_revs = array_reverse($arr);
    echo '<br/>';
    $arr_revs = array_reverse($arr, true);

Output :

Array ( [r] => 44 [f] => 12 [c] => 35 [b] => 11 [a] => 10 )
Array ( [r] => 44 [f] => 12 [c] => 35 [b] => 11 [a] => 10 )

Both results are same

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