HTML tags are used to markup HTML elements. HTML tags are surrounded by two angle brackets < and >, like paragraph tag <p>. HTML tags are case insensitive, means <P> is same as <p>.
Most of HTML tags are come in pairs having starting and ending tag, but not all. Like <img>, <br> tags does not have ending tag. End tag has a slash(\) to indicate that it is ending tag.

Some of the most important tags used in the HEAD Element

<title> Tag

Title tag is used to define the title of the web page.


	<p>This is the content within paragraph opening and closing tags.</p>


The content that is written between the title opening <title> and closing tag </title> is visible on the browser tab at the top bar as shown in the above example.

<meta> Tag

Meta Tag is also defined within the HEAD Tag. Meta tag is used to provide the metadata of HTML Document, Like - Author Name, Page Description, Keywords. The Metadata is not displayed on the web page.


<meta name="keywords" content="HTML, Basic HTML"/>
<meta name="description" content="Basic HTML Tutorial"/>
<meta name="author" content="Er. Anjali"/>

<link> Tag

Link tag is placed within the HEAD element. This tag define the relationship from the external resources.


<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/style.css"/>

In the above example, link tag is used to include external css file 'style.css'. For learning CSS, you should have good knowledge of Basic HTML.

<script> Tag

Within script tag, you can write client side script or include external script file by using the src attribute.


<script type="text/javascript">
	document.write('Welcome to etutorialsPoint');

In this above example, the javascript code is written within the script tags

<script type="text/javascript" src="/demo.js"></script>

In the above example, an external file 'demo.js' is included within the script tags.

Some of the most important tags used within the BODY Element

<p> Tag

Paragraph <p> tag is used to define a new paragraph. This tag is always used within the Body Element.


	Loreum Ipsum......

<div> Tag

Div tag is used to define sections in the document.


		Loreum Ipsum......

You will learn descriptions of more html tags in further chapters.