HTML5 Elements

HTML5 provides specific elements to define web page structure, that's why called structural elements. Previously, we created the web page layout by using class and id attributes, HTML5 replaces these with structural elements. It works well on responsive design and efficient for web developers.

The structural elements are <section>, <article>, <header>, <footer>, <main>, <nav>, <aside>.

HTML5 Structural Elements

HTML5 structural element does not support in older browsers, such as Internet Explorer prior to IE9.

Lists of HTML5 Structural Elements

Structural Element Description
<article> It defines site content.
<aside> It defines content that is aside from the main content, like sidebar menu, modules, etc.
<header> It defines top parts of the web page.
<hgroup> It defines heading section of the web page.
<main> It defines the main content of the document body. It cannot be the child of the header, nav, article, aside.
<nav> It contains navigation links.
<section> It defines a portion of documents.
<footer> It defines the footer or bottom section of the web page.