Express js Scaffolding

Scaffolding is used to create a skeleton structure for our application. If you will create API you will have to go through a number of operations, like we will have to manually make our public directory, add middleware, make separate configuration file, and so forth. A scaffolding device sets up every one of these things for us so we can straightforwardly begin with building our application. It allows us to create a skeleton for a web application when we work with ExpressJS so that we can directly get started with building our application. This is supported by many MVC frameworks. This reduces lots of development cost, as it has predefined templates that we can use for CRUD operations.

Install express-scaffold

There are many ExpressJs scaffolding available, here we are using 'express-scaffold'. This is a simple MVC scaffolding of express. To install this, create a directory and run the following command from that directory.

$ npm install express-scaffold

Express Generator

This package contains an express command line tool. Firstly, open the terminal where you want to work and run the following command to install express-generator package. The command will take a few seconds.

$ npm install express-generator -g
Express.js Generator

This is the lists of express generator command options. Suppose we want to use a pug view engine to create new applications.

Express.js Generator

Then, also commands these following-

>cd newapp
>npm install
>SET DEBUG=newapp:* & npm start
Express.js Generator

Open the browser at the following url 'http://localhost:3000/', we will get this -

Express.js Generator