Kotlin Andriod Introduction

In 2017, an Android team announced Kotlin as an official language for Android app development. After this announcement a large number of Android users began adopting it.

Features of using Kotlin for Android development

  • Kotlin is compatible with old JDK 6 means we can run kotlin application on an older android device with no any issue.
  • Kotlin is a functional language. There is no need to write lots of code.
  • We can easily migrate the old java codebase to kotlin. There is automated java to kotlin converter included in kotlin plugin.
  • Kotlin is fully interoperable with Java, which allowing us to use all existing android libraries in kotlin applications.
  • It run fast on any android application.
  • For the java developers, it is very easy to start with kotlin.
  • We can easily migrate the old java codebase to kotlin. There is automated java to kotlin converter included in kotlin plugin.
  • It supports scalability to expand the application for a massive number of users.

Andriod development tool

Kotlin has rich set of tools for Android development.

  • Android Studio
  • Eclipse
  • Fabric
  • IntelliJ IDEA
  • Corona