Python Tuples

A tuple is a sequence. Python Tuples work exactly like a list except tuples are immutable, means it cannot be changed in place. The tuples are written inside parentheses. The tuple length is always fixed.
The difference between tuple and list is that tuple stores heterogeneous data while the list stores homogeneous data.

To create a single element in a tuple, write that element in parenthesis with a comma.

tu1 = (60,)

An empty tuple is created by opening and closing parenthesis.

tup = ()

To create a tuple containing more than one element -

tup1 = (22, 44, 55, 12 )

Tuple Operation

Concatenate Two Tuples

Addition sign (+) is used to concatenate two tuples, like -

>>> tup1 = (11, 54, 23)
>>> tup2 = ('Car', 'Cycle', 'Bus')
>>> tup3 = tup1 + tup2
>>> print tup3
(11, 54, 23, 'Car', 'Cycle', 'Bus')
Output of the above code
Python Concatenate Tuples

Update Tuple Element

To update the tuple element, simple re-assign tuple value using the index.

>>> tup1 = (11, 54, 23)
>>> l1 = list(tup1)
>>> l1[2] = 54
>>> tup1 = tuple(l1)
>>> tup1
(11, 54, 54)

Deleting Tuple

The del command is used to delete tuple -

>>> tup2 = (53, 23, 52, 50, 75, 37)
>>> print tup2
(53, 23, 52, 50, 75, 37)
>>> del tup2